Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lesson 5: Juxtaposition

Juxtaposition is defined as an act of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast (http://dictionary.reference.com/)

Juxtaposition is famous especially in photography and film to develop the storyline and the character. I would like to show one example by using the movie named Blood Diamond.

In this movie, the juxtaposition technique that has been used is showing the contrast between people in urban area and rural area. People in rural area are suffered due to war and economy crisis. In the other hand, people in urban area are wealthy and live peacefully.

Upper class/ Lower class- In the movie, upper class society, for example the jewellers represents the upper class society while Solomen, the main character in the movie represents the lower class society.

Villan/ Hero- Danny Archer, the mercenary smuggler has rescued Solomen and his son from being killed by the enemies. In the other hand, Captain Poison has kidnapped Solomen's son, Dia and trained him to become a bloodness killer.

Lesson 5: Juxtaposition Exercise

Man is like goldfish tied with shark fin. No matter in what condition, they will claim that they are the best.

Love is like a cup of tea. Some people may like it, but others may prefer coffee. There is no rules in love.

Love is like credit cards. When you are happy when you use it and you are sad when you need to pay for the bills.

Happiness is like clocks. Every second, people from all around the world are sharing happiness with their love one.

Pain is like ice-cream. Pain will melt away as the time passed by.

Life is like burning fire. In the beginning, it lighten up a place. As time passed by, it die off and the place will return to darkness.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lesson 4: Associated Mind Map

I would like to share some pictures which are so creative in term of execution. The pictures are take by Mr. Toledano, entitled Stretch.

When we think of shirt, we can only think of shirts are used to cover the body. Can you imagine that shirt can be stretch to get the effects as above?

Reference: Taken from http://www.behance.net/

Lesson 4: Associated Mind Map

Mortar and Pestle

This week Mr. Radzi has shown us the mind map of mortar and pestle. We need to pick 5 keywords from the mid map and think of its function.

The keywords that I chose are Malaysia, married, game, exercise and coconut.

1. Marriage
Bride and bridegroom will exchange the mortar and pestile instead of exchanging rings.

2. Malaysia
Since United States has the Statue of Liberty, perhaps Malaysia will have its own statue in future.

3. Exercise
By balancing the pestile on the head, user needs to stand on the mortar as a way of exercise.

4. Coconut
By putting the coconut in the mortar, pestile is used to crash the coconut in order to obtain the flesh.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lesson 3: Mind map

I would like to share a video which I find that is quite useful when creating a mind map.

The video is taken from Youtube, by TracyEGardner. She shows a lot of tips in creating traditional mind map. The first thing is to get differet types of color markers to seperate the main idea. Then, try to expand ideas from it.

Lesson 3: Mind map

The mind map above is created by hand, and manipulated using computer. Instead of using a normal mind map, I wish to create in a different way. I draw a man figure to represent myself. The body is filled up by the information of my grandparents, parents and siblings. I would like to show that I will not be in this world without the existance of my ancestors and my parents. They are playing important role in my life.